Previous trainees

Name shipboard training
Felipe Ohade Lopes Branco
Federal University of Pará, Brazil, Faculty of Oceanography
2018 NF-POGO-GEOMAR Shipboard Training Fellowship onboard M148 cruise
Training in the use of physical and biogeochemical instrumentation and observatories, on-board chemical water sample analysis and calibration techniques.
Fernanda DI Alzira Oliveira Matos
Nuclear and Applied Physics Laboratory, Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), Salvador, Brazil
2018 NF-POGO-GEOMAR Shipboard Training Fellowship onboard M148 cruise
Training in the use of physical and biogeochemical instrumentation and observatories, on-board post-processing and calibration techniques, particularly the calibration and post-processing of CTD profile data, and post-cruise data processing and model evaluation.
Ramilla Vieire de Assunção
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil
2018 NF-POGO-GEOMAR Shipboard Training Fellowship onboard M148 cruise
Training in the use of physical and biogeochemical instrumentation and observatories, on-board post-processing and calibration techniques, and post-cruise data processing, analysis and interpretation of acoustic velocity data.
Marco Sandoval Belmar
Department of Geophysics, University of Conceptión, Conceptión, Chile (last affiliation)
2018 NF-POGO-GEOMAR Shipboard Training Fellowship onboard M148 cruise
Carry out a physical oceanography and biogeochemical study in the tropical South Atlantic along 11°S and in the eastern boundary upwelling region off Angola. Training in the use of physical and biogeochemical instrumentation and observatories, on-board post-processing and calibration techniques, particularly the calibration and post-processing of CTD profile data, and post-cruise data processing and model evaluation.
Carolina Machado Lima de Camargo
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - VUB
2018 NF-POGO-NOC Shipboard Training Fellowship onboard PAP cruise
Benthic sampling and remote observation
Dr Abed El Rahman Hassoun
National Council for Scientific Research (CNRS-L)-National Center for Marine Sciences
2018 NF-POGO Shipboard Training Fellowship onboard MSM72 cruise
GO-SHIP repeat hydrography program to quantify changes in the inorganic carbon system in the Mediterranean (MED-01).
Azyyati Abdul Aziz
Institute Oceanography & Environment, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
2017 NF-POGO Shipboard Training Fellowship onboard GEOTRACES GA13-FRidge cruise
Cristabel Macrina Fernandes
National Institute of Oceanography, Dona Paula, Goa (last affiliation)
2017 POGO-PML Shipboard Training Fellowship onboard AMT cruise
Determination of dissolved and atmospheric greenhouse gases (CO2, N2O & CH4).
Hashan Niroshana Kokuhennadige
University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka
2017 POGO-PML Shipboard Training Fellowship onboard AMT cruise
Multidisciplinary training
Jessica Song
Swinburne University of Technology, Malaysia
2017 NF-POGO-NOC Shipboard Training Fellowship onboard PAP cruise
Determination of the growth and mortality rates of the different Prochlorococcus ecotypes found throughout the water column in the Atlantic Ocean
