Previous trainees

Name shipboard training
Juan Carlos Farias Pardo
São Paulo State University (UNESP)
2019 South North Atlantic Training Transect - SoNoAT19
Gay Amabelle Go
The Marine Science Institute, University of the Philippines, Diliman
2019 South North Atlantic Training Transect - SoNoAT19
Coastal ecology specializing on seagrass ecosystem
Marufa Ishaque
Old Dominion University, USA
2019 South North Atlantic Training Transect - SoNoAT19
Emma Kilcoyne
National University of Ireland, Galway.
2019 South North Atlantic Training Transect - SoNoAT19
Stefani Peña Ramirez
Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
2019 South North Atlantic Training Transect - SoNoAT19
Mary Chris Lagumen
Marine Science Institute, University of the Philippines
2019 POGO-PML Shipboard Training Fellowship onboard ANDREX cruise
Fellowship on Carbonate and Oxygen Chemistry
Wade De Kock
University of Cape Town
2018 POGO-PML Shipboard Training Fellowship onboard AMT cruise
Estimating phytoplankton size distribution using flow-cytometry side scattering measurements
Ayman Jghab
Abdelmalek Essaadi University. Faculty of Science and Techniques. Tangier, Morocco
2018 NF-POGO-IEO Shipboard Training Fellowship onboard RADMED cruise
Training in marine environmental monitoring cruise
Daniela Risaro
University of Buenos Aires, Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences
2018 NF-POGO-GEOMAR Shipboard Training Fellowship onboard M148 cruise
Training in the use of physical and biogeochemical instrumentation and observatories, on-board post-processing and calibration techniques, in particular calibration and postprocessing of CTD and thermosalinograph data.
Odilon Joël Houndegnonto
International Chair in Mathematical Physics and Applications, University of Abomey Calavi
2018 NF-POGO-GEOMAR Shipboard Training Fellowship onboard M148 cruise
Training in the use of physical and biogeochemical instrumentation and observatories, on-board post-processing and calibration techniques, and post-cruise data processing, analysis and interpretation.
