Previous trainees

Name shipboard training
Vanessa Fernández Rodríguez
Universidad de Antioquia (Colombia)
2019 NF-POGO-NOC Shipboard Training Fellowship onboard PAP cruise
Benthic fauna and organic matter enrichment
Merna Essam Safwat Ahmed Awad
Port Said university | Port Said, Egypt
2019 NF-POGO-IFREMER Shipboard Training Fellowship onboard MOOSE-GE cruise - Leg 1
Physical Oceanography
Angela Palomino Gaviria
Universitat de Barcelona (UB)
2019 South North Atlantic Training Transect - SoNoAT19
Remote sensors systems
Yoania Povea Perez
Center for Atmospheric Physics, Cuban Institute of Meteorology
2019 South North Atlantic Training Transect - SoNoAT19
Atlantic Warm Pool climate variability
Vincent Valentin Scholz
Center for Electromicrobiology, Aarhus University, Denmark
2019 South North Atlantic Training Transect - SoNoAT19
The ecology of cable bacteria
Anjana Aravind
National Institute of Technology, Surat, India
2019 South North Atlantic Training Transect - SoNoAT19
Impacts of Southern Ocean Warming on Global Sea Level Rise through the Lens of Atmospheric and Oceanic Warming Scenarios on the Antarctic Ice Shelf using the Potsdam Parallel Ice Sheet Model
Mohamed Ahmad Hussein
UN Volunteer
2019 South North Atlantic Training Transect - SoNoAT19
Lantovololona Felaniaina Marie Stephanie
Ministry of Halieutic Resources and Fisheries, Antananarivo, Madagascar
2019 South North Atlantic Training Transect - SoNoAT19
Sian Seymour
University of Cape Town (UCT), South Africa
2019 South North Atlantic Training Transect - SoNoAT19
Yohan Didier Louis
University of Mauritius
2019 South North Atlantic Training Transect - SoNoAT19
