Apply for Training

Listed below are any training opportunities for which we are currently accepting applications.

Applications will only be considered if:

  • They are completely written in English;
  • The applicant has a background and/or is currently working in Marine Sciences;
  • Recommendation letters are specific to this shipboard training opportunity.

The 'Closed Calls' section includes information on previous trainings.

Following our data protection and privacy policies, unsucessful applications are anonymised within 1 month after the training has taken place. Anonymised information kept (e.g., gender, country of origin, age group, research of interest, etc) are used for statistical analysis.

Closed Calls

NF-POGO-SeaNetwork Shipboard Trainings

Ocean Observatories Initiative

NF-POGO-Eurofleets+ Shipboard Trainings

Radiales del Mediterráneo (RADMED)

Radial Profunda de Finisterre (RADPROF)

CSIRO Operated Cruises

GEOMAR South Atlantic Research Cruises

WASCAL Floating University

Open Call for Shipboard Training Fellowships

Atlantic Meridional Transect (AMT)

North-South & South-North Atlantic Training Transects

seRies temporAles De oceanografIA en eL norte de ESpaña (RADIALES)

Mission Open Sea

Gulf of Guinea Cruises

British Antarctic Survey (BAS) operated cruise

Porcupine Abyssal Plain (PAP) Observatory

Mediterranean Ocean Observing System on Environment (MOOSE)

Antarctic Deep Water Rates of Export (ANDREX)

MSM72 Mediterranean Short Cruise

GEOTRACES North Atlantic ‘FRidge’ Cruise

Beagle Expedition

Open Calls

Open Call for Shipboard Training Fellowships

Closed Calls

NF-POGO-SeaNetwork Shipboard Trainings

Ocean Observatories Initiative

NF-POGO-Eurofleets+ Shipboard Trainings

Radiales del Mediterráneo (RADMED)

Radial Profunda de Finisterre (RADPROF)

CSIRO Operated Cruises

GEOMAR South Atlantic Research Cruises

WASCAL Floating University

Open Call for Shipboard Training Fellowships

Atlantic Meridional Transect (AMT)

North-South & South-North Atlantic Training Transects

seRies temporAles De oceanografIA en eL norte de ESpaña (RADIALES)

Mission Open Sea

Gulf of Guinea Cruises

British Antarctic Survey (BAS) operated cruise

Porcupine Abyssal Plain (PAP) Observatory

Mediterranean Ocean Observing System on Environment (MOOSE)

Antarctic Deep Water Rates of Export (ANDREX)

MSM72 Mediterranean Short Cruise

GEOTRACES North Atlantic ‘FRidge’ Cruise

Beagle Expedition

Open Calls

Open Call for Shipboard Training Fellowships