2013 POGO-PAP-GreenSeas Fellowship

General Information

31 May 2013 to 18 Jun 2013

The PAP observatory is situated in the Northeast Atlantic away from the continental slope and mid Atlantic ridge. The site is an open ocean timeseries representing processes in the North Atlantic Drift Region and accessible from many EU ports. Thanks to collaborative support from the PAP Observatory and the UE Project GreenSeas, POGO was able to offer two fellowships this year. The two candidates successfully completed their fellowships, which included approximately one month spent with their host supervisors, before spending three weeks on board RRS James Cook during May and June, followed by a further month at the host institution processing and interpreting the data collated from the cruise.

Priority areas

What is offered


Who can apply

Applications are closed for this fellowship

How to apply

Applications are closed

Review process

Applications are closed


Applications are closed