Previous trainees

Name shipboard training
Bellineth Valencia
University of Valle, Cali, Colombia
2013 POGO-PAP-GreenSeas Fellowship
Copepods grazing and pellet production: there are changes in particle production according to the sexual condition and vertical distribution?
Veli Çağlar Yumruktepe
Institute of Marine Sciences, Middle East Technical University, Turkey
2013 POGO-PAP-GreenSeas Fellowship
Model-Data Integration of Key Nitrogen Cycle Processes
Priscila Lange
Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG), Brazil
2012 POGO-PML Shipboard Training Fellowship onboard AMT cruise
Contribution of micro-phytoplankton to total primary production in the sub-tropical Atlantic Gyres
Alaa Eldin Mohamed Younis
National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Alexandria, Egypt
2011 POGO-PML Shipboard Training Fellowship onboard AMT cruise
Effect of CO2 enrichment on plankton community structure, photosynthesis and primary production in the Atlantic Ocean
Barbora Hoskova
Institute of Microbiology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
2010 POGO-PML Shipboard Training Fellowship onboard AMT cruise
Biogeography of marine phytoplankton primary production using biophysical methods
Charissa Ferrera
University of the Philippines, Marine Science Institute
2009 POGO-PML Shipboard Training Fellowship onboard AMT cruise
Nitrogen cyclingand underway pCO2 analysis in the Atlantic Ocean
Mario Vera
Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay
2008 POGO-PML Shipboard Training Fellowship onboard AMT cruise
Dissolved oxygen and plankton community production -respiration in the Atlantic Ocean
Andreas Albertino
Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia
2003 Mirai Beagle Expedition
Core Sampling, Biogeochemistry
Kanthi Yapa
University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka
2003 Mirai Beagle Expedition
Physical Parameters, Bio-optics
Elena Barbieri
Estacion de Fotobiologia Playa Union, Argentina
2003 Mirai Beagle Expedition
