2024 NF-POGO-OOI-WHOI Shipboard Training Fellowship onboard Station Papa cruise

General Information

28 May 2024 to 15 Jun 2024

This is the eleventh cruise for the Global Station Papa Array of the National Science Foundation’s Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI; http://www.oceanobservatories.org).

The OOI Station Papa Array is deployed in the Gulf of Alaska, close to 50° N, 144° 30’ W, at a nominal water depth of 4250 meters. The Station Papa Global Array includes three subsurface moorings and up to five gliders to monitor waters in the data sparse high latitudes of the Gulf of Alaska. The data collected gives scientists information needed to address the role of the mesoscale flow field in ocean dynamics.

The Station Papa 11 (Papa 11) cruise primary objectives include the recovery and deployment of the Global Hybrid Profiler Mooring and the Mesoscale Flanking Moorings A and B, glider deployments and CTD casts with water sampling at the mooring and glider deployment sites for instrument validation and data verification.

Read more about the Global Station Papa expeditions at https://www2.whoi.edu/site/ooi-expedition/station-papa-10/

Priority areas

  • Climate Variability, Ocean Circulation, and Ecosystems
  • Coastal Ocean Dynamics and Ecosystems
  • Ocean-Atmosphere Exchange

What is offered

The trainee will collaborate with the scientific crew in all sampling and deployment activities during the cruise.


Who can apply

This fellowship program is open to early career scientists, technicians, postgraduate students (PhD or MSc) and Post-doctoral Fellows who are nationals of and involved in oceanographic work in developing countries and countries with economies in transition..

For a list of currently eligible countries, visit this page on the OECD website.

How to apply


Fellowship applicants should complete and submit the electronic application form (click on the APPLY HERE link at bottom of this section) together with a digital copy of the recommendation letter from the parent supervisorThe recommendation letter must be provided in English, dated, on institutional letterhead and signed by the supervisor.

Please note that the application form includes sections on the applicant's background and training requirements, capacity building intentions and a CV. In case of unstable internet connections, we recommend preparing this text in an offline document, then copy-pasting into the online form.

If short-listed, the candidate may be asked to undergo an informal telephone/video conferencing interview.

 It is recommended that descriptive sections be limited to about 100 - 150 words and no more than 500 words. 

Only applications that are complete in all respects will be considered for the Fellowship.

Deadline: The deadline for applications for this fellowship is Sunday 4 February 2024 23:59 (UTC+1)All applicants will be informed of the decision within ~one month of the deadline

Review process

Representatives from POGO Secretariat and host institution will review the applications. In their decision-making, the Selection Committee will consider the following points:

  1. Quality of the application;
  2. Curriculum of the applicant;
  3. Recommendation letter;
  4. Evidence that the training will lead to capacity-building with potential lasting impact on regional observations in the applicant's home country.

Only applications that are complete in all respects will be considered for the Fellowship.


  1. The fellowship DOES cover a round-trip ticket between the home institute of the trainee and the host institution; the flight to and from the departure port (if applicable); accommodation in the ship departure port (if applicable); seafaring medical and sea survival course (if required).
  2. The fellowship DOES NOT cover expenses incurred by the fellow in their own nation (domestic travel, visa costs, personal insurance etc.), and the host institute will waive ship messing fee and any bench fees that they may normally charge trainees.
  3. POGO assumes no responsibility for compensation in the event of sickness, accident, death or disability of a Fellowship holder, nor does it arrange for insurance of a trainee or reimburse premiums paid therefore. It is the responsibility of the trainee to arrange travel insurance to cover the time taken to travel to the ship and for the subsequent return home, as well as to ensure suitable insurance cover is provided by the parent institute for the duration of the cruise.
  4. The trainees are not considered agents or members of the staff of POGO, and shall not be entitled to any privileges, immunities, compensation or reimbursements, except as otherwise provided herein, nor are the trainees authorised to commit POGO to any expenditure or other obligation.
  5. The trainee and the supervisors at the parent and host institutes are required to provide a short fellowship report at the end of the training period, to evaluate the success of the fellowship programme. 
  6. By registering you agree that the personal data provided will be used to communicate with you about the training, and for POGO internal procedures and reporting. We limit access to and use of your personal data to authorised persons only, in line with POGO Privacy Policy .