Maria Luz Torres


National Institute for Fisheries Research and Development (INIDEP) and Marine and Coastal Research Institute’ (IIMyC, CONICET), Argentina
17 Aug 2023 to 4 Sep 2023

Research subject:

Fisheries and marine ecology


Kai Wieland (DTU Aqua, Denmark)

Short cv:

I’m a biologist with a strong biological oceanography background. In 2022, I earned my PhD at Mar del Plata National University. Currently, I'm a postdoctoral fellow working at ‘National Institute for Fisheries Research and Development’ (INIDEP) and ‘Marine and Coastal Research Institute’ (IIMyC), Argentina. My research project is focused on the long-term variability in the population and fishery of the Argentine squid (Illex argentinus). 

The argentine squid population shows strong interannual fluctuations that are mainly controlled by environmental conditions near the Brazil-Malvinas confluence region and along its distribution area. The study focuses on the temporal and spatial connection between physical and biological variables to fishery's resource and also its relationship with macro-scale environmental processes (such as ENSO or SAM) along the continental shelf ecosystem in the Southwestern Atlantic (c.a. 35ºS-48ºS). 

The evaluation of the temporal and spatial variability has been addressed by in situ and satellite time-series information. The datasets used were collected from research cruises (environmental and fisheries management), annual fishing landings, and a variety of remote sensing products.


Given the importance of this analysis for the management of the fisheries resource, I find the training a great opportunity to learn, gain experience on the work, exchange knowledge with colleagues, and acquire new tools for monitoring the fisheries.