Jorvin Zapata


NF-POGO Centre of Excellence in Observational Oceanography
30 Aug 2022 to 29 Sep 2022

Research subject:

Biological Oceanography, Bioptics, Ocean Color


Dr Eva-Maria Brodte

Short cv:

I hold a bachelor’s in Ecology of Coastal Areas from the University of Antioquia, Colombia, but for my Master’s I shifted to Coastal Oceanography at UABC, México, where I worked in the Phytoplankton Ecology Team for the estimation of the Diffuse Attenuation Coefficient of the Photosynthetically Available Radiation (Kd(PAR)) through Kd(490) (Ocean color product). I used a global in situ dataset and developed three regional models to estimate Kd(PAR) through the Kd(490) satellite in three types of water (Oceanic, intermediate, and coastal turbid waters).

Besides science, I love diving, photography, traveling, and outreach activities. I enjoy enrolling in projects with a social component because I have the opportunity to communicate in an easy and flat way our research work. It is key now, under climate change, to communicate and combine indigenous knowledge with scientific ones so we can build new generations willing to cooperate and fight against this imminent problem. Finally, after I finish this program, I would like to pursue a Ph.D. in ocean color remote sensing-related topics, for afterward start working in my country, Colombia, on the advance of our Oceanography.