Angela Palomino Gaviria


Universitat de Barcelona (UB)
2 Jun 2019 to 29 Jun 2019

Research subject:

Remote sensors systems


Alexander Hearn (Universidad San Francisco de Quito - USFQ, Ecuador)

Short cv:

I have a BSc degree in Marine Science from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC, Spain). Currently, I am studying a MSc degree in Oceanography and Marine Environmental Management between the Universitat de Barcelona (UB, Spain) and Universidad San Francisco de Quito, (USFQ, Ecuador).

My main research interest is in the area of satellite oceanography. I am interested in combining remote systems and applying them to the ecology and biology of marine ecosystems. During my Bachelors thesis I worked with satellite oceanography doing mapping of seagrass in the Aegean Sea (Seagrass mapping with Sentinel - 2A satellite data in Gulf of Gera, Lesvos Island, Greece) with an Erasmus Plus scholarship from the European Union.

Now, during my masters, I work with projects that use telemetry research, with special interest in pelagic and / or coastal animals to facilitate large-scale research, allowing a greater collection of data to study ecology, conservation, biology and patterns of behavior in marine animals under the supervision of Alex Hearn (USFQ).

Additionally, during the development of my thesis “Spatial ecology of blue shark (Prionace glauca) in the Galapagos Marine Reserve” I have working as teaching assistant in the Galapagos Science Center, where I had the opportunity to work with projects in shark conservation.

This programme experience in South North Atlantic Training Transect 2019 will allow me to gain new hands-on experience, learning more about remote sensing and data interpretation and others ways to use the oceanographics information and combining with satellital data.