Short cv:
My thesis project is named “Application of multifrequency acoustics to characterize oceanic structures in Northeast Brazil”. The Brazilian northeast oceanic zone has a great ecological importance, classified as “ecological marine areas or significant biological”, and characterized by a complex oceanic current system, mainly South Equatorial Current and North Brazilian Current/ North Brazilian Undercurrent system.
In my current research, the goal is to associate the acoustic data with other abiotic parameters (Temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen and currents), to observe the thermocline structure of the ocean and physical processes associated with different scales in break shelf regions and across from the islands. This information is still unknown. Multifrequency acoustic data were collected by the recent ABRACOS Project (Acoustic along the BRAzilian Coast), with addition of the CTDO and ADCP data. To achieve these goals I need to fully understand not only the oceanographic dynamics and data analysis, but also how the data are collected and preprocessed.
Participation in this cruise will allow me to follow and directly apply the acquired data, in addition to experiencing life on board, exchanging knowledge with scientists from all areas, and preparing me to conduct campaigns for students after my PhD, as a researcher in this area. Such experiences have helped to boost and broaden my horizons, not only with benefits to my thesis, but also to my life as an oceanographer, and I look forward to sharing what I have learned within my educational institution. Based on the goals of my thesis, and my future plans, I would like to be trained in the areas of: process studies, deployment and/or retrieval of automated equipment for physical/biogeochemical parameters, servicing of moored buoys and analysis.