Carolina Machado Lima de Camargo


Vrije Universiteit Brussel - VUB
19 May 2018 to 12 Jun 2018

Research subject:

Benthic sampling and remote observation


Dr. Brian Bett

Short cv:

I am an Oceanographer (graduated from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande – FURG, Brazil) and I am currently a masters student in the inter-university Master of Science in Marine and Lacustrine Science and Management, between the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB, Free University of Brussels), Universiteit Antwerpen (UAntwerpen, Antwerp University) and Universiteit Gent (UGent, Ghent University).

Although the programme has a more ecological and biological approach, my main research interest is in the area of geophysics and physical oceanography.

During my Bachelors I worked with geophysics (sub-bottom profiler of 3.5 kHz) to find evidence of past coastlines in the continental shelf, when sea-level was lower than the present line. Now, during my masters, I work with in-situ sea level measurements from tide gauges, under the supervision of Francisco Hernandez (VLIZ) and Karline Soetaert (NIOZ). My masters thesis is entitled “Quality Control of Sea Level Variation Observations and Tidal Predictions Based on the IOC Sea Level Station Monitoring Facility”. I have also done internships at Rockland Scientific (RSI) and at the Oceanic Observatory of Madeira (OOM), where I had the opportunity to work with ocean turbulence, another research area in which I am interested.

This programme will allow me to gain new hands-on experience, learning more about biological sampling and the ecosystem of deep-sea benthos. It will also be a unique opportunity to join an international time-series study and to work with a well-known institution such as the National Oceanography Centre, UK.