2023 NF-POGO-CSIRO Shipboard Training Fellowship onboard INIV Cruise

General Information

29 May 2023 to 14 Jul 2023

The focus of this voyage is to improve the inter-comparability between seawater macronutrient datasets, to learn from each other, and to share knowledge gained with the broader community.

The key areas of the shipboard training, supervised by Dr Julie Janssens (CSIRO) include biogeochemistry, nutrient analysis and methods, data analysis and processing, statistics, Southern Ocean and repeat hydrography/datasets.

Priority areas

Biogeochemistry, nutrient analysis and methods, data analysis and processing, statistics, Southern Ocean and repeat hydrography/datasets.

What is offered

Trainee will take part in pre- and post-cruise activities at CSIRO in Hobart, Australia. The pre-cruise preparation is expected to take place from the 29th of May to the 4th of June 2023; in this phase the trainee will be participating in the cruise preparations and become familiar with the analytical techniques. After the expedition the trainee will be attending the Ocean Nutrient Symposium on the 20th of June. In the post-expedition phase scheduled from the 21st of June to the 14th of July, the trainee will analyse samples, process, analyse the data and interpret the results. It may be requested to shipboard training fellows to assist on the final cruise report preparation. The complete training will, therefore, be held from 29th of May to 14th of July 2023.


Who can apply

Early-career scientists, technicians, postgraduate students (PhD/MSc), post-doctoral fellows involved in seawater nutrient analysis work in developing countries and countries with economies in transition. 

How to apply

Trainees for this training were selected from valid submissions to the 2023 Open Call for Shipboard Training Fellowship.

Review process

Applications are closed for this fellowship.


Applications are closed for this fellowship.